Elections to the European Parliament are held in all EU member states between 6-9 June. They take place in a time where the EU is increasingly challenged by populist and Eurosceptic currents among citizens and political parties. The panel discussion brings together researchers at the Centre for European Research at the University of Gothenburg (CERGU), to talk about questions of what populism is, how it relates to Euroscepticism, what indications there are that the elections will experience a populist wave, and what a populist wave might come to mean for EU and Europe.
Linda Berg, PhD, Department of political science and co-PI for the Swedish European parliament election study 2024, Göteborgs universitet
Markus Johansson, PhD, deputy director, CERGU, Göteborgs Universitet
Hjalmar Falk, PhD, Department of literature, history of ideas and religion, University of Gothenburg
Eva Hoxha, PhD candidate, Department of political science, University of Gothenburg
Olga Sasunkevich, PhD, Department of Cultural Sciences, University of Gothenburg