Digital program: Draupner, LOVE and wicked

Female career trajectories and the role of underground club worlds in Gothenburg during the neoliberal shift.

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18:00 - 19:00, tor. 18 apr.



This seminar investigates the career trajectories of female pioneers in Gothenburg’s underground dance music scenes. Due to Sweden´s anti-commercial cultural policies in the 1970s and 1980s, it provides an interesting example for analyzing the introduction of neoliberalism to the cultural industries and its gendered outcomes. Female pioneers in Swedish underground scenes in the late 1980s and early 1990s were generally assigned to “supporting” roles, while being part of the changing neoliberal relationships between culture and society, which favored entrepreneurism. As a result of their skills and contributions within a gendered labor division, some female pioneers were in positions to launch DIY careers out of their previous unpaid work in design, fashion, media, retail, and club promotion. Thus, DIY subcultural capital transferred into careers in the cultural industries.

This year we are happy to present you an additional program which will be held online.
We deliver a series of lectures directly to your home: every evening at 6 PM and even at 3 PM on Sunday, join us for an interactive lecture and dig into one of many exciting topics.
Join the lectures directly on this page, in the video above where you can ask your questions directly to our brilliant lecturers. If you're feeling a bit extra you are most welcome on our hub in Hiberworld, where you will find the live broadcasts and much more! Discover more content of the festival, visit previous year's worlds created by our visitors online and join a fun obstacle course. Feeling intrigued? Click on the link on the right side of your screen and dig into the festival's digital world.


Anna Gavanas is a social anthropologist with a focus on dance music history, working life, migration and welfare politics. She has published a number of interview based and archival studies on Swedish electronic dance music scenes with a focus on technological shifts, gender and cultural politics. In her recent work, Gavanas has worked with the Elisabeth Tegner Rave Archive.



