BOKNING STÄNGD - - - Make music with robots

The students will learn the basics to program some small robots and create digital musical performances with them.

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Chalmers, Campus Lindholmen

09:00 - 11:30, ons. 17 apr.

Chalmers, Campus Lindholmen

09:00 - 11:30, ons. 24 apr.

Chalmers, Campus Lindholmen

09:00 - 11:30, fre. 26 apr.



Let your students program robots an create digital music! In this workshops the students will meet Ilaria, who conducts research on communication between humans and robots, and also Georgios who conducts research on sound and music computing.

The students will be divided into small groups and each group will be given a robot. They will learn the basics of robot programming using a block programming language (Scratch). They will learn how to send commands to the robot to make it move around and interact with people and other robots. Different movement commands will also produce different musical sounds, so that the dynamic movement of each group’s robot will produce new melodies depending on how they move with respect to each other. The groups will thus work together to create a small performance that can be recorded at the end of the workshop.

Learning outcomes: What is a robot?; simple robot programming (no prior programming experience required); simple synthetic music generation (no prior musical experience required).

The workshop will be conducted in English.


Ilaria Torre, Dr and Assistant Professor in Human-Robot Interaction, and Georgios Diapoulis, Dr Interaction Design, Interaction design and Software Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology


Denna aktivitet tar upp till 30 elever per tillfälle

Samling i entrén senast 10 min innan start.






Skolår 4-5





Jupiter 121, entréplan
Hörselgången 5, 417 56 Göteborg.
Karta och vägbeskrivning (Google maps)

Svea 239, plan 2
Forskningsgången 4, 416 56 Göteborg.
Karta och vägbeskrivning (Google maps)